Day 9 (Saturday, 12/6/2003)

We had a few hours on Saturday morning to kayak or snorkel or dive before the boat arrived.  Several of us chose to "hammock surf" instead.  It had been a full week, and we were feeling the effects.  After lunch, we boarded the boat and said goodbye to Long Caye as we made the 3-hour crossing to Belize City.  Bones was waiting for us in Belize with the van, which carried us back to the Biltmore.  We unpacked and rested for a few hours and then attended a farewell Chinese dinner that night, which would be the last chance many of us would have to see each other.  Brian and I had a layover until Monday, but most of the rest of the eight were flying back Sunday morning.  So, with sadness, we said our goodbyes to our new friends.


DSCN2040 [1313 kB]
12/6/03 8:14 AM
The egret's regret

BG-DSC00586 [2225 kB]
12/6/03 8:31 AM
Off The Wall Dive Shop

BG-DSC00587 [1601 kB]
12/6/03 8:32 AM
The dock

PG-176 [579 kB]
12/6/03 8:57 AM
Sea kayaks as far as the eye can see

BG-DSC00589 [2220 kB]
12/6/03 9:30 AM
This is the shot of the egret I tried to get

BG-DSC00591 [2000 kB]
12/6/03 9:31 AM
... and the iguana. I need a new camera.

PG-249 [612 kB]
12/6/03 10:38 AM
Several of us opted to hammock surf on the morning of our departure

DSCN2047 [1471 kB]
12/6/03 11:24 AM
We're going to need a bigger boat

PG-174 [432 kB]
12/6/03 11:28 AM
Last meal on the island

PG-251 [363 kB]
12/6/03 12:24 PM
Leaving Long Caye

BG-DSC00592 [1955 kB]
12/6/03 2:22 PM
Crashed out on the boat

PG-256 [506 kB]
12/6/03 9:09 PM
Farewell dinner

This album has 150 photos in total.

Generated by Jalbum 8.5

Text is Copyright © 12-Foot Hedgehog Productions. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.